Sunday, December 9, 2012

Don't you just love viewing life from a different perspective

Spiritual Growth Requires Using Your Non
There is so much spirituality information around concerning consciousness that we need to use in our spiritual growth. Consciousness is non-physical but it is the field from which all things physical manifest.
Don't you just love viewing life from a different perspective? When we step back from the day-to-day living aspects of our lives and look at things from a more detached point of view, without judgment or labels attached to everything, we begin to see the wonderful subtleties of this huge creation that we are all involved (and evolved) in.
This detached point of view allows us to see things from a larger, clearer perspective so we can see the symmetry that ties it all together. As we see the symmetry emerge it allows us to view our own lives with more clarity and awareness.
This larger, clearer perspective allows us to see that we are all in a giant collaboration in this game called Life. What we view from our narrow day-to-day living perspective of life is a point of view that we are a separate entity from all other things.
We are immersed in the duality perspective of life that says, "I am a separate entity from all other people and things on this planet." Our physical senses keep re-enforcing this definition of ourselves because all of the data we receive from these physical senses tells us that this is so.
Our eyes tell us that everything we see externally is viewed from the point of view that whatever we look at is detached from our particular body.
Our ears tell us that everything we hear externally is coming from a source that is away from us. This noise is coming at us and we are picking it up through our hearing receptors, our ears.
Our nose tells us that everything we smell externally is, in one way or another, outside of our skin. We may smell something on our body but it is still exterior to us, as an entity.
Our tongues tell us that everything we taste must be brought to our tongues and placed there in order to taste it,1875 Ugg Sheepskin Cuff Short Black Boots. Even our own bile coming from our stomachs must be brought forth and placed on the tongue in order for us to taste it.
Our skin tells us that everything we touch is external to us. Our sense of touch says that whatever we touch in a physical sense is outside of this organ we call skin.
This is the nature of our physical senses. They are wonderful tools that allow us to receive and interpret the stimuli that are constantly being sent to us as the result of what we choose to create in our lives. Our glorious physical senses allow us to experience life. When you get right down to it, that is what we are here for; to experience life in all of its different perspectives.
But in order to truly experience life, we should allow ourselves the full gamut of what life has to offer and in order to truly live life from all its different perspectives, we need to be aware of, and deeply understand, our nonphysical senses as well as our physical senses.
Our nonphysical senses are just as much a part of life as our physical senses. Just like our physical senses, our nonphysical senses are always there and available for our use. The difference is that we are not always aware of our nonphysical senses as an influence on our lives. In other words, we are not conscious of them like we are our physical senses.
We are conscious of our physical senses because they exist as part of the gross realities of life. Our physical senses give us clear distinctions of what we perceive to be "real" to us. When we see something, it is real to us. It is either one thing or another. It is either near or far. It is this or that. It is viewed from the concept of duality. It is seen in relationship to that which it is not. We don't interpret the subtle aspects of its beingness.
That does not concern us. We have too much data and information coming at us to slow down and take the time to discern whether "what we see" is serving us or not.
We are not using the influence of the spirit side of our beingness to help us interpret what is real in our lives. We are not using our nonphysical senses to help us interpret what life has brought us. We are not using the subtle part of our beingness that opens us up to seeing the "in-between" as well as the here and there. We have lost the influence of the spirit in our consciousness.
As babies, we were born into this world in perfect balance in the mind, body, spirit being that we are. We were very much influenced by our balanced beingness of mind, body and spirit. The more we were conditioned by our envirionment the more we moved into physicality and away from spirit.
It is time to bring your spirit back into balance and use the authentic power the spirit gives you to re-create your life and your world.

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